Take Los Angeles Small Claims to court | Ace Small Claims

We Can Help

Have you moved and have not receive your security deposit back?

Has someone dented your car and refuses to pay for repairs?

Did you hire a contractor who did bad work on your house?

Did you loan someone money who refuses to pay you back?

Ace Small Claims Service can help! Our team has helped countless individuals and businesses recover money that is owed to them by helping them file the paperwork with small claims court.  Learn more about how we can help.

The Process

Ace Small Claims Service has over 12 years of experience in filing small claims for clients.  Simply provide us with the necessary information, and for a flat fee, we will complete the necessary forms, serve the defendants, and file the papers with the court on your behalf.  Learn more about the process.

Our Packages

Ace Small Claims Service has affordable flat rate packages that make it easy for you to collect monies owed to you.  Our prices include court costs and unlike collection agencies, you don’t have to pay us a percentage of what you are able to recover.  Learn more about our packages here.